Monday 12 December 2011

Journal 8/12/2011

For the past two lessons my group have been sitting down and coming up with solid ideas to use in our title sequence. We had a lot of ideas that we discussed and even followed up by trying to come up with a title sequence around it. We eventually came up with one particular idea that we all agreed on and really liked, we were all assigned a few tasks that we should do to try and get the storyboard/planning done as quickly as possible so we could move on to preparing to shoot. I wrote up the storyboard so that another member of the group could draw the shots in, I also researched into other title sequences to look for ideas for music and myself and another member of the group searched different typographies to use. All in all the lesson was very successful and the way we've been arranging the work is helping us to make this title sequence as good as possible.

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