Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Covered - First Film Idea

This was my groups first film idea that we presented and pitched to the class. The feedback we had from this was very mixed as it was made clear they understood we had researched and planned well and we used as much detail as we could. We each were assigned a slide we would focus on and in theory take control of, we then came back as a group and discussed what we had included and agreed on each slide. However, it was felt that our idea was not original enough and that our group was capable of a more original interesting film. We did try to make this film as original as we could and we even had some really good ideas for a title sequence, its just very hard to make a dance film original. Therefore the group and I agreed that this idea did lack originality and decided to take the time to come up with a completely new idea in a completely new genre. We have planned out our new film and our new idea suits the group much more, we are currently finishing the powerpoint for the new film 'Enigma'. 

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