We had a look at Se7en and analysed the title sequence briefly in last weeks lesson. Here are some of the points I came up with:
- the flashing images portray a very sketchy title sequence, almsot like the viewer/audience is on drugs. It also comes across as though it is in the mind of a mentally unstable person with how the images are so shaken.
- the typograohy also links into the mentally unstable approach of the rest of the video as it looks as though it has been etched into something with a sharp object - this a stypical connotion of a mentally unstable patient.
- the fact that shadows often cover part of the room makes us feel as though we are hiding from whoever the man in the title sequence is, peering through a door or wardrobe at him. This hints the genre and mood to the audience.
- the use of red connotes blood and death
- whent he man is sewing and putting the thread through the needle it's done in a way that could remind the audience of someone being stabbed, as the shot is a close up which emphasises the struggle and makes it look more barbaric than necessary.
- the title sequence beign set in one room at a very close proximity to what is happening makes the audience feel chlostraphobic and trapped.
- the fact we onle see this mans hands sets up the enigma of who is he and what will he do?
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