Friday 20 January 2012


Filming was very interesting because we shot everything outside of the school, which was something I personally had never before done. I didn't think about some of the problems we would have filming outside of school other than the obvious ones like weather and having to find the time when we could all do it. When it came to filming we soon realised that we hadn't quite thought through everything we could have and we faced a few problems.
First of all when in the church, the flooring was uneven which we had not anticipated so the dolly would not work sufficiently. We had to then go back to the church and I had to move the bottom of the dolly whilst someone else held the camera part and as a result we had to film from a different angle and ended up changing the shot completely. 
We also didn't use the tripod at one point where we should have and it was very noticeable so when we went back we had to reshoot that as well. 
We ran out of batteries in the church and had to borrow some from the priest who had only an hour ago told us how organized we all were... slightly embarrassing.
In the forest we didn't realise just how awkward it would be to get a straight shot without the camera tilted at an angle. Luckily we learnt from the previous trip to the church and used the tripod for everything that wasn't POV.
overall, though we did have some trouble we most definitely learnt from it and it will help us for when we ever next come to film. 

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